Charities Registration

Registered charity is an organization established and operated for charitable purposes, and must devote its resources to charitable activities. The charitable organizations that have an income of more than £5,000, and for whom the law of England and Wales applies, must register with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, unless they are an “exempt” or “excepted” charity.

  • Charities registration is must because States require registration in order to disclose pertinent information regarding a charitable organization so its citizens are protected and properly informed.
  • The purpose of registered charities is to operate exclusively for charitable purposes
    • Relief of poverty
    • Advancement of education
    • Advancement of religion
    • Purposes beneficial to the community
  • Charitable organizations must register themselves with the charity commission of England and Wales to serve for charity purpose.
  • Registered charities must have charitable registration number approved by charity commission of England and Wales to operate.
  • A registered charity cannot use its income for personal benefit provided to its members.
  • Registered charities are exempted from paying income tax.
  • Setting up a registered charity in the UK can appear to be an overwhelming task.
  • Charities in the UK are some of the most heavily regulated in the world.
  • There are benefits to being a registered charity:  you will receive an official charity number and be listed in the Charity Commissions public register of charities. This can help with fundraising – the charity number adds authority to your cause and some funders will only speak with registered charities.
  • Being a registered charity comes with some annual reporting requirements to the Charity Commission, exactly what is involved depends on income.
  • At the lowest level (£5K-10K) it is just submitting income and expenditure figures and keeping trustee details up to date but If your income is over £25,000 you will have to submit accounts
  • We at Kingsway, assist our clients wishing charities registration in England and Wales (with the Charity Commission).
  • Our Charities Registration Service is designed to make the process of registering as a charity as simple as possible:
    • It will be the quickest and easiest way to register as a charity.
    • We will take most of the work and all worry, away from you
  • We have successfully set up many organizations and then registered as a charity.
  • We can advise you on the most appropriate type of legal entity which you require to set up a charity. There are 4 options and you have to choose one to set up:-
    • A trust.
    • An unincorporated body (association).
    • A company limited by guarantee.

A charitable incorporated association